Contact Us

If you have any questions or queries about BCP or your booking, talk to us. Alternatively take a look at our Frequently asked questions page.

BCP address:

CT21 4JF

Google map of BCP HQ in Newingreen

Would you like to make a booking?

You can easily make a booking via the search engine situated at the top of this page. Simply select the product you'd like to book, choose the airport, pick the dates you wish to park in and finally click the quote me now button. You will then be given a list of available car parks and the their prices, select the one you want to book and fill in your details.

Alternatively, you can talk to us. Don't forget, the low prices offered on our website will also be the same low prices offered by our customer service team. So whether you prefer to book by our website or with our team, rest assured you'll be getting the same great prices, guaranteed.

Would you like to cancel or amend a booking?

If you would like to amend or cancel your booking, please do so online through our manage my booking system.

All cancellations and amendments must be made through BCP and are subject to the terms and conditions for each product.

Customer Experience

We're here to help when things go wrong and we'll resolve any hassles that you experience as quickly as we can. Let us know what happened by providing as much information as possible, so we can investigate fully.

We resolve 80% of issues within 21 days (most are resolved within 7 days) although more complex issues can take a little longer as we need to investigate everything fully before we come back to you. Whatever happens we promise we'll keep you informed throughout.