Manchester Airport
Handy information about the airport
- Save money by booking parking in advance
- Dedicated Drop Off Zone
- Parking available close to all terminals

Manchester is the fourth busiest airport in the UK. Situated on the border of Greater Manchester and Cheshire, the airport is the major flight-travel provider for northern England. Manchester Airport is served by two parallel runways and consists of three main terminals.
Road access to the airport is easily obtained by taking Junction 5 of the M56 and following the signs to your relevant terminal
Satellite Navigation users may wish to use the following postcode: M90 1QX
Cars dropping off passengers at Manchester Airport can use the forecourt at the necessary terminal. However, due to security regulations, no waiting is allowed by any of the three terminals.
Cars picking up passengers must use the short stay car parks situated at each of the three terminals. All locations are clearly signposted.
All customers can obtain remote access to the internet through their laptop or PDA. The WIFI service is provided by T-Mobile and enables passengers to access their e-mails and surf the web from inside the main terminals.
Manchester Airport offers several facilities for religious practice. Prayer rooms, Wudu wash facilities and a chaplaincy service are all available at the three terminals.
Families are offered a range of facilities to make their journeys as stress-free as possible. These include baby changing facilities and special art desks located at several of the cafes and restaurants.
For passengers staying for longer than two nights, BCP offer a wide range of secure Manchester car parking bays that serve all main terminals. Alternatively, customers may wish to utilize our valet (meet and greet) service for a super convenient check-in.